This Website

I have experience doing web development– HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Node, all that good stuff. However, my previous web development involved working on existing sites. Sure, I did a little configuration here, a little new content there, but starting from scratch is totally different.

The project started when I was looking at a stock photo website. I saw the picture that would eventually become my header and I was transfixed. Who made this photo? Why did they make it? It’s so unbelievably cursed. I had to have it.

After purchasing a license for the image, I got started on the website. It was initially a totally static website, just a folder on my desktop. I had finished the bulk of the homepage done when I realized that I really did not want to have to update the home page every time I added a new post. I wanted something that could just iterate over a directory. So, I started looking at using a more traditional webserver. This bummed me about because the hosting would be cheaper (gotta save those bucks, chief) for a static website.

Then, like a spear cast from the heavens, Jekyll entered my life. I was psyched as hell. It allowed me the flexibility of a blog without having to handle all the annoying parts of a static website. I ported what I had over to Jekyll, finished up the layout for the blog, and I sat down to write (this) my first blog post!

Welcome to my site! I’m hosting the code in a Github repo, for the curious.